Instructions for athletes with no LTAD level (Novices, Intermediates that never passed LTAD)
1. Open a certificate form available here:
2. Type in your daughter's name.
3. Save the certificate to a local drive.
4. Upload your saved certificate here:
5. Check that under their athlete's membership profile USA Artistic Swimming Certifications is set to Complete
If your daughter passed at least one LTAD level you should:
1 Open this form: .
2. Type in your daughter's name, LTAD level she passed, date of the test
3. Save the certificate to a local drive.
4. Upload your saved certificate here
For level 2:
For level 3:
For level 4:
For level 5:
5. Check that under their athlete's membership profile USA Artistic Swimming
Certifications is set to Complete.
Please find attached a table with some names I retrieved from USAAS athletes database. IF YOUR DAUGHTER IS NOT in the table and YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR LEVEL OR THE DATE LTAD WAS TAKEN PLEASE EMAIL COACH CANDY.