Hi Team,
I know I said we weren't going to host any meets this year but.... in order for our swimmers to compete, we need to. Other teams can't get the pools. I also know we didn't have a meet on February 5th but we do now. If we didn't the little ones and the new ones/intermediates wouldn't have a meet for a long time.
With that said, Matt McNabb will be creating a volunteer sheet. We need everyone to volunteer at both meets. The Girls that are not competition on January 29th will volunteer that day and the Girls that are not competing on Feb will will volunteer. You can get volunteer credit for your school.
January 29th - 12 & U, 13-15 Age Group Team, Combo, Duets and solo's will compete at this meet. Routines and figures.
Feb 5th - Harry Potter team, Dolphins, Micca's team will compete at this meet. Routines and figures.
I think this will be a great learning experience for everyone as the judging and scoring has changed.
Please sign up as soon as you get the request. Thanks.