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Mondays and Wed

Please do not bring your mats on Mon and Wed.


  1. Practices are only until 8:00pm instead of 8:30pm. Please be at the pool at 8:00pm to pick up. Please be at the pool when practice ends.

2. LTAD postponed to Feb 15

3. Cactus Classic is coming up. We will meet at William Woollett Aquatics Complex at 7:00am on Feb 16th. We will stop for a short break in Barstow to get a quick bit. It is recommended that you bring a lunch instead.

4. West Zones is coming up. I will be doing entries in the next couple of days. You do not need any LTAD levels for this meet.

5. March 16, 17 is for Intermediates and Harry Potter. This competition is in Los Angeles.

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