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April 20th Special event

The USA National Team is going to perform at Fullerton College on April 20th. Doors open at 10:00am and the swim starts at 11:00am and Photos with the team at 12:00pm

Instead of Practice for HARRY POTTER, SWING AND BARBIE. You should go watch them perform. This is a free event. Please coordinate car pools to this event and put it on your calendar for April 20th. Wear your Meraquas Jacket.

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4 comentarios

Nhi B
Nhi B
08 abr

And our pictures day with the team jacket will be postponed, is it correct?

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That is correct, we'll set up a different picture day for Harry Potter, Barbie and Swing

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Nhi B
Nhi B
08 abr

May we have an address? Thank you

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Type in "Fullerton College Swimming pool", maps know the place.

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