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Thanks for Our Water Show Event Success – Let's Keep the Momentum

From Cathy, Watershow Coordinator

I wanted to say “THANK YOU” to each one of you for your tremendous support and efforts in making our water show event a great success. Together, we managed to raise approximately $5000 for our club - an achievement we couldn't have accomplished without all your dedication and hard work!

A special shout out to Amy, Lillian, and the 12 U family for the amazing and creative snack bars. The delicious food was a highlight and helped enhance the event's atmosphere.

We also want to express our deep appreciation to Sophie Chang's family, Isabella Martirosyan's family and Jyothi's family. Your generous financial contributed to our fundraising success.

Every donation for the silent auction was significant and helped us inch closer to our goal. Each contribution brought us one step closer to our goal.

A special acknowledgment to Sophie's family, Heidi's mom Julie from 12 U, and Kylee's mom's friend from the 13-15 Intermediate-Dolphins team. Your efforts to bring businesses and friends to donate significantly boosted our fundraising.

Big Thank you to Deepa (event announcer/communications), Karine (silent auction), Maria (beautiful program/team pictures/setup/clean up, etc), (Matt/ Hui-Printing color copies for program books), (Lin Lin/ Rebecca Lu-helping out the events), Jeffery (creative flyer) and Vanessa Lu (Instagram). THANK YOU for making the event more successful.

Thank you, Coach Candy, for leading us, inspiring us and pushing our girls to do their best. Your leadership, dedication, tireless efforts and deep passion for the sport have truly been the driving force behind our achievements.   

Our event's success is a testament to what we can achieve when we pull together. But let's not stop here. The funds raised have given us a tremendous boost, but we still have work to do. I encourage everyone to continue to step up, assist, and promote our fundraising efforts for the club. With each team member's ongoing dedication, I am confident we can achieve even greater heights.

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Deepa Shanadi
Deepa Shanadi
Jun 19, 2023

Also any omission is strictly unintentional.


Deepa Shanadi
Deepa Shanadi
Jun 19, 2023

Thank you Cathy for quickly taking charge at short notice!

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